Do you want Foundry Church to feel more like home?
Here are some tangible ways to get connected.
Attend an About Class

ABOUT CLASS is probably your first step in making Foundry Church feel like home. It's an informational laid back gathering where we chat about who we are as a church, what we believe, and what's expected of those who call this place home. (The best part is that there's free coffee and treats!) You'll get to the meet pastors, staff, new folks and a few others. You'll hear about what's available to you and your family on Sundays as well as throughout the week. We want to make finding community and Jesus approachable and accessible to all.
Our Splash! Class is for those who want to learn more about baptism or who may be interested in being baptized themselves. For more information contact us.

Join a Group
Get connected to a group and you'll be able to form closer relationships in small, relaxed settings. Different groups meet in homes, at church, and even virtually. Some meet in the mornings while others gather in afternoons and evenings. Groups all meet on different days so you can find one that works well with your schedule.